30+ Childhood Girl Crushes, Then and Now

Written by: Abdullah
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30 Childhood Girl Crushes

From ten-year-olds to our teenage years, childhood crushes are sure to brin a sense of nostalgia to anyone. We grow along with them and to see them grow also inspires us. This article reveals how our goddesses are now and the number of wrinkles you can count off their skin. See for yourself how they were then and are now!

Tiffani Thiessen

Tiffani would take part in multiple beauty pageants before landing her first big role as Kelly in Saved By The Bell and its many spinoffs. This gave her reputation a boost which led to her film debut in Son In Law.

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After the sequel to Saved By The Bell was announced, Tiffani would reprise her role as Kelly, guest-starring in three episodes. She has also been announced to be the host for MTVโ€™s spinoff comedy show RidiculousnessDeliciousness.