A.I. Shows What the “Game of Thrones” Characters Would Look Like According to Book Descriptions

Written by: Abdullah
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As many of you might know, Game of Thrones was actually a book series long before it made its way to our screens. While book one is called A Game of Thrones, the series is named A Song of Ice and Fire, and it’s the work of George R. R. Martin. Now, let’s see what else the show changed — here’s how the characters should have looked according to their book description, as fed to AI, vs. the actors who played them.


Played masterfully by Conleth Hill, Lord Varys quickly became a character of note thanks to his work as the Master of Whispers. His shifting loyalties and enigmatic ways made fans weary of trusting him – and often for good reason.

(Left) Imgur // @msbananaanna | (Right) Twitter // @ghostfishkillah

Thanks to this AI rendition, we can pretty safely say that the casting department did a fantastic job both visually and acting-wise. Fun fact, Conleth Hill also supplied his voice in the 2012 video game based on the show.