25+ Celebs and What They Would Look Like if They Were the Opposite Gender, Courtesy of AI

Written by: Abdullah
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Have you ever wondered what someone would look like if they were the opposite gender? It’s a common thought exercise that a lot of people have entertained themselves with before, but said exercise has been limited to the imagination in the past.

Today though, we have artificial intelligence that can depict people as the opposite gender, with varying degrees of success. Here are a few examples of this done with some celebrities you may know!

Reese Witherspoon

Looking at this picture, you have to wonder — is hair really the main thing that separates a man’s face from a woman’s? Because honestly, not much had to be changed here for Reese Witherspoon to make a pretty convincing man. Take away some makeup and jewelry, smack on a beard, and voilà.

(Left) Reddit // u/[deleted] | (Right) FaceApp

Of course, that’s a pretty shallow interpretation of what makes a man or a woman, but you have to keep in mind that this AI isn’t truly that advanced. Still, it did a pretty good job of creating a believable alter ego for Reese here.

Chris Evans

We have to say — this AI strikes us as a little unfair in its perception of men and women. Sure, it had to get rid of Chris Evans’ great facial hair, but that was a given. Still, it seems a little rude that its idea of turning a man into a woman includes getting rid of the wrinkles.

We may only just be starting this list. But, we think it’ll be clear fairly quickly that, at least at first glance, one of the defining traits that set the genders apart is their hair — be it on their head, eyebrows, or face. Apparently, AI thinks so too.

Salma Hayek

For all of the amazing things that AI can do (even if gender-swapping a celebrity probably isn’t that amazing), it pays to remember that it’s not perfect. This means that it can make some pretty funny mistakes that even the densest human probably wouldn’t miss.

(Left) East News // Invision | (Right) FaceApp

For example, this AI clearly had no idea what to do with Salma Hayek’s wardrobe in this genderswap. Is that a hoodie, combined with the necklace? Well, we can’t judge it too harshly — it’s supposed to transform faces, rather than clothes.

Michael B. Jordan

Admittedly, we’re not experts on how this particular AI works and what parameters it has in place when converting a celebrity from one gender to another. But even so, some of its decisions are a little confusing, if you stop to notice them.

(Left) Shutterstock // Everett Collection | (Right) FaceApp

Why is Michael B. Jordan’s female counterpart lighter than him? And why is she not allowed to wear a turtleneck while he is? Sure, turtlenecks are usually worn by men, but we’re pretty sure that it’s not a requirement to forego one as a woman.

Sandra Bullock

We’re going to be honest here, and not even in the spirit of meanness — Sandra Bullock’s strong jawline probably didn’t need a whole lot of work for the AI to do a convincing job. Slap on a beard, and give her a snazzy haircut, and she’s quite the handsome dude.

(Left) East News // Invision | (Right) FaceApp

On the other hand, the AI clearly had an issue with the celebrity wardrobe here. After all, it looks like it thought of adding a T-shirt or something, only to forget about it 30% through the process. Oh, well… Sam Bullock rocks the dress pretty well.

Chris Pratt

When an AI is used to change the gender of a celebrity, it can mean a lot of things. However, it seems that a powerful expression remains the same no matter what — not that we’re complaining. This shot of Chris Pratt in both possible forms is very amusing.

(Left) Twitter // @_Team_Avengers_ | (Right) FaceApp

Christine Pratt looks like she would be a fun gal to hang out with; one of the boys, if you will. That, or she is just one of those people that makes really funny expressions, just like her twin brother. Either way, the AI did a pretty good job here.


When you have eyes like Zendaya’s, it’s guaranteed that you’re going to be good-looking no matter what gender you are. That’s plain enough to see in this AI’s attempt at creating her male alter ego. Of course, there’s more to good looks than that, but she has those in spades as well.

(Left) East News // Invision | (Right) FaceApp

That said, the AI clearly still has an issue with clothing, though it at least managed to pull off a full shirt this time. That’s a step up from some of the previous entries on this list.