40+ Hilarious Jokes That’ll Have Americans Laughing Through Their Tears

Written by: Abdullah
Last Update:

Everyone wants to love their country. But, unfortunately, all countries have their issues; their pros and cons. As Americans, one of the best ways to acknowledge our problems but also maintain our sanity is to tell jokes or make memes about the nation’s problems.

Hey, I Can’t Afford That!

If you assumed there will be a lot of healthcare jokes on this list, congratulations — you’re absolutely right! This is but the first, and it’s a joke many Americans understand. Unlike a lot of other countries, there’s a very big bill that comes with riding in an ambulance.

Hey, I Can’t Afford That!

If you happened to be unconscious from an accident and someone called an ambulance for you, you’d wake up to a huge medical bill that you had no say-so in. Needless to say, that sucks, even if we can laugh about this joke.

You Guys Get to Retire?

One of the core tenants of American life is that you work — a lot. In many countries, it’s expected for almost everyone to be able to retire. In America, that’s seen as something that only happens if you work yourself to the bone.

You Guys Get to Retire?

A lot of these jokes will compare our fine nation to our other first-world peers, which isn’t really a surprise considering how much better off they are in many of the ways we’ll be mocking.

20-Year Challenge

We’re not saying that all old Americans are misinformed and misguided, but you won’t see too many young people postulating that raising the minimum wage will cause huge problems. This joke makes a nice little comparison that reminds all of us of one simple truth.

20-Year Challenge

The price of products and services really isn’t affected that much by the minimum wage, and paying people something that they can actually live on is hardly something that should be frowned upon.

inancial Security? What’s That?

Financial Security? What’s That?

Many Americans can relate to the struggle — the jobs you can work just don’t pay enough to meet your most basic needs, so you have to work more than one. And yet, even though you work so hard, you still can’t afford what you need.

Be Grateful, You Runts!

Ah, education — one of the fields where America falls behind almost all of its peers. Our teachers already don’t get paid much at all, but on top of that, they have to spend their own money on supplies! That’s crazy, right?

Be Grateful, You Runts!

There are many jokes out there about how jacked up our education system is, and most of them revolve around how little our teachers get paid for doing such an important job. Trust us, a lot of teachers really are those cats internally.

U.S. Healthcare Indeed

Healthcare is very expensive for Americans. Even if you have health insurance, you can bet your bank account is going to take a pretty hefty hit, which is not what anyone wants to deal with right after they get out of the hospital or something.

U.S. Healthcare Indeed

This joke encapsulates the cost of getting hurt in this country perfectly. That said, we’re curious as to what was actually happening in this pretty funny picture.

Wait, That’s Not Right!

In America these days, the value of a college degree is far overstated. Not that education is bad, mind you, but many employers act as though any job in the world is impossible without a degree. This joke is a perfect indicator of how the exchange often goes.

Wait, That’s Not Right!

Nowadays, people are often telling you that you must have a degree to get a job, and then they also tell you that the things you learned in college won’t be of any value either. Is it just us, or is that the worst kind of funny?

If You Just Make Enough

As always, American healthcare is a crapshoot compared to most of the advanced world. Where people in other countries can easily continue to live relatively healthy lives regardless of their income, that’s not really the case here.

If You Just Make Enough

That’s right. In order to have nice things — like teeth, vision, hearing aids, overall health or medicine in this country — you’ve got to have that green and an unreasonable sum of it at that. If you forgot you were supposed to be laughing at these, remember that we also warned that they may make you a little upset.

Truly a Laugh

OK, we’re kind of cheating here. This is just a picture and not one that someone presented as a joke or a meme. But, we’re pretty sure that there are many Americans who can see how funny this really is — ya know, in that messed up kind of way.

Truly a Laugh

Behold, the type of labor the young are expected to perform in this country! Did you know that America is one of the few (if only?) first-world countries where servers and waitresses have to survive on tips instead of wages? But hey, as long as one of the benefits is a referral program, right?

Can’t Help But Wonder…

OK, everyone makes this joke about how Americans are some of the few people in the world that refuse to use the metric system — instead relying on a convoluted and very confusing system that involves inches and feet. This raises the question, what even is a foot?

Can’t Help But Wonder…

Presumably, it’s named as such because the measurement was taken from someone’s foot, but whose foot was it? Who was approached by whoever was making this measurement system, being told they had a perfect foot size to incorporate into it?

Forgiving the First, But Not the Second!

When Bharat’s salary mistakenly increased, he kept quiet. But when it dropped below the usual, he stormed to HR. When asked why he didn’t complain earlier, his reply? “I forgive the first mistake but can’t tolerate the second!” A hilarious twist to workplace honesty!

Low-Hanging Fruit

Yeah, yeah — Americans eat a lot compared to everyone else, har har. But, as effortless and unimpressive as this joke at our expense is, if you take a look at food in other countries around the world, it’s actually true that America has way bigger serving sizes than almost anywhere else.

Low-Hanging Fruit

So, while this is an easy joke to make and comedians could probably try a little harder, we can’t deny that there’s a fair amount of truth to this meme. Then again, most memes do possess some of that.