Giant Movie Bloopers Even The Biggest Movies Can’t Hide

Written by: Abdullah

The Aviator – Chocolate Chip Cookies

The 2004 film The Aviator was a critical and commercial success. In one of the scenes from the movie, Howard Hughes (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) buys chocolate chip cookies.

The Aviator - Chocolate Chip Cookies

Well, it is a blooper because the writers didn’t realize that chocolate chip cookies weren’t invented until 1938, which is two years after the movie was set.

Django Unchained – Sunglasses

This 2012 hit film made an error which many people noticed, and many didn’t. In the movie Django (played by Jamie Foxx) wore sunglasses. But the thing is that they weren’t prevalent back then and were mostly used when prescribed by doctors.

Django Unchained - Sunglasses

Given that Jamie Foxx was so good in the movie, most of us simply ignored or forgave this big mistake.

Titanic – Lake Wissota

Titanicย became the biggest grossing film of all time and was a massive hit among the audiences and the critics. However, most viewers didn’t notice that Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) tells Rose that he and his father used to fish in Lake Wissota.

Titanic - Lake Wissota

It was a good story to tell a girl, but the problem is that the Titanic sank in 1912, and Lake Wissota was formed in 1917.

Braveheart – Wearing A Kilt

This American epic historical fiction war film was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won five. But the issue is that William Wallace (Mel Gibson) character wore a kilt.

Braveheart - Wearing A Kilt

It is because Scots used to wear them, but not in 1300 in which the movie was set. Wearing a kilt became popular in the 1600s.

Forrest Gump – Apple Stocks

Okay, this is one of those errors that could make anyone laugh. In the movie, Forrest Gump receives a letter from Apple, but the film was set in 1975.

Forrest Gump - Apple Stocks

Surprisingly, the famous rainbow logo of Apple was not designed until the following year, and Apple became a publically traded company in 1981.

Gladiator – “The Spaniard”

Any fans of Russell Crowe and his famous role of Maximus Decimus Meridius? Well, his character in the movie is also called ‘The Spaniard,’ which is, in fact, an old French word that was invented in the 1300s.

Gladiator - "The Spaniard"

It was a silly mistake from the writers as the Gladiator movie was set in 180 AD, a thousand years earlier!