Hilarious Posts That Will Make Your Day

40+ Hilarious Posts That Will Make Your Day

Written by: Abdullah
Last Update:

Is your day not going so well? Don’t worry because the best mood lifter is right at your fingertips! The internet is a treasure trove of humor, a real laugh factory! If you need to take a breather from reality and dive into minutes of pure amusement, there’s no better destination than the World Wide Web. It’s a paradise for comedy lovers!

We have hunted down some of the most amusing and outlandish posts. Guaranteed, these posts are going to make you laugh so hard, your belly is going to ache.

TimberLand Rover

Though we certainly don’t endorse damaging someone’s car as a means of expressing anger, we must admit that there’s somewhat of a comical element here. It’s never acceptable to wreck someone’s possessions. However, there’s some undeniable amusement in the situation.

TimberLand Rover

There was this girl who had to think on her feet, seeking out his much-loved boots instead of his vehicle. It’s clear that he’s committed a boot-worthy error of some sort. It’s as clear as day that his affection for his boots matches the love many folks have for their automobiles. Looks like he’ll need to find himself a brand new pair of those “Lamborfeeties”.

A Little Nibble

Do DoorDash conduct any checks on the individuals delivering their food? We’re confident that the majority of these food couriers are reliable, but the presence of those like this individual mars the reputation of the rest.

A Little Nibble

We totally get it—smelling the delicious food you’re transporting would make anyone’s stomach rumble. Though, kindly avoid nibbling on the customer’s meal before handing it off. Let’s just act like we’re in the dark about how such a thing could even occur. Come on now.

Interesting Take

In your journey of life, you’re bound to stumble upon individuals who, on the surface, might appear dull. Sometimes, their topic of conversation doesn’t quite align with your interests, yet there’s always a potential for someone else to find their humor irresistible. It all boils down to seeing things from different angles. But this particular fellow, evidently, falls short in grasping such perspective.

Interesting Take

This guy has an odd way of declaring to the world wide web that he just isn’t able to have a conversation with any ladies. There’s a key point that this Darius is completely overlooking—women aren’t boring Darius, they’re simply not fascinated by you.

C Is for Clever

Having any kind of gadget means you’re going to need a bunch of extras, like headphones and chargers. But now we’re seeing specific chargers made for different charging speeds? When will all this absurdity finally cease?

C Is for Clever

Wow, imagine if that was true. If just hitting “C” on your phone would speed up its charge. That would be incredible, wouldn’t it? It seems preferable to the alternative of buying multiple chargers to get the job done.

Potty Humor

Nowadays, we receive a lot of impersonal, generic messages on our mobile devices. This particular one came across the same way as those automatic texts we’re all used to. We may not all have responded in the humorous and playful manner that Justin did, but we can certainly relate to the idea of making light of these situations for our own amusement.

Potty Humor

Poor Justin indeed. It’s rare for us to observe a joke fall so flat it turns instantly into a source of blushes. It leaves us questioning how he will muster the courage to show his face at the upcoming appointment, considering this text message incident.

Ee-You’re the Clone

If you wondered if anything could wreck the cherished children’s animated show of Winnie the Pooh, you’ve found it. The famous clone problem has spun out of control, leading to an unexpected showdown between two Eeyores.

Ee-You’re the Clone

Had the cloned Eeyore been diligent with his research, he’d have been aware that pleading for his life would blow his cover as the duplicate. Because Eeyore, as everyone knows, isn’t in this world for fun times or to live out a lengthy existence. It’s one of his unique characteristics.

Indiana Not India

While there are loads of places with comparable names, it’s pretty interesting to note that people can get confused between India and Indiana, despite them sounding alike. It does leave one wondering, how can such a huge mix-up happen in the first place? The similarities are uncanny, sure, but the difference is profound, too.

Indiana Not India

It surely looked like he was specifically avoiding them, not replying for several long hours. But really, he had unknowingly found himself on a plane headed straight for India. This unexpected turn of events left us all totally baffled, as evidenced by his own bewildered expression.

No Good Deed

There’s something really nice about doing a good deed for others. When you have something that you don’t use or need anymore, instead of selling it, why not give it to someone who could use it? Think of it as a situation where everybody wins—you get to cleanse your house of that old, unused vacuum and somewhere else, someone else is relieved because they don’t have to worry about buying brand new one for their household.

No Good Deed

But bear in mind, not everyone will show gratitude. Each time you reckon you’re engaging in a kind act, there will be someone out there to inform you that you’ve made a mistake. Indeed, individuals can indeed add so much joy to your days.

Pajama Party

Each individual has their own favorite method for drifting off to sleep. Are you the type who likes to let your upper body stay cool but keep your legs cozy and covered, or do you prefer a fresh breeze on your lower half? The illustration didn’t even delve into the debate of wearing socks during sleep, and that’s a subject that really stirs the pot!

Pajama Party

It’s quite a shame this guy can’t just draw a number to decide when to rest at night, but he simply cannot, since he doesn’t sleep at all. Last time we checked, that’s called insomnia, and he ought to have it looked into.

Over Thinker

It’s interesting to think about how actors can keep things strictly friendly with their co-stars when they have to pretend to be in love with them on screen for many months. It’s not surprising to see how often actors end up dating their screen-partners in their off-screen life.

Over Thinker

Still, it’s hard to shake the feeling that every small action someone takes towards us, whether we know them or not, is their way of expressing their deep affection for us.

Bugging Out

Having a security system can truly give comfort, especially during night time when you’re off to bed. You can’t really tell what might be happening just outside your home, so it’s always best to be prepared and safe. Security systems serve as an extra layer of protection that helps you sleep without any worries.

Bugging Out

What on earth is happening? We’re no bug lovers, and specifically not when they’re as gigantic as a human being. This is utterly hair-raising and bizarre. It’s too much to take in.

A Mouthful

Each time we find ourselves rewatching Pokémon, we stumble upon aspects we never realized were there during our initial viewing of the series. Generally, uncovering these concealed elements brings us joy. However, in this instance, we’d dearly wish we could erase this particular piece of detail from our memory.

A Mouthful

We’ve always believed that Mewtwo stays upright and high to display its strength. But on a closer look, Mewtwo’s private regions astonishingly resemble the face of an Ekans. The little-known connection between them continues to surprise us.

What’s the Question?

It’s absolutely brilliant how Ikea has incorporated a food court within their stores. Can you imagine anything more rewarding than enjoying meatballs from the very same place where you’ve just picked out your brand-new desk or bed? It really adds a whole new level of enjoyment to the shopping experience.

What’s the Question?

Of course, this certain someone seems to have a real problem with the meatballs that are being sold at Ikea. They’ve plunged into deep thoughts and created this odd image that meatballs can function as desks. We can’t be entirely sure if they grasp the fact that food is also sold at this furniture store, yet their argument stands—indeed, meatballs would be the absolute pits if they were to be used as desks.

Rob From London

When you need an answer to something, Google is usually the place to go. However, sometimes you need human help for those tricky questions. Question forums online are the ideal place for this. It’s only on these platforms that you can get answers as reliable and thorough as this one.

Rob From London

While this may not exactly be what the individual was asking, Ken certainly did give a solid response. It definitely appears that Rob is a really swell guy based on what was said.

Just Looking

Shopping online is an excellent choice if you’re someone who enjoys taking your time when shopping. Rather than feeling rushed or worried about a store assistant or your buddies waiting for you to decide, you can leisurely browse and pick your items. It’s a comfortable alternative to the traditional in-person shopping that can sometimes feel hurried.

Just Looking

It appears this fellow truly doesn’t get how to shop online. His attempts at expressing his interest in their garments comes off more in a disturbing and weird way. Why can’t he just do his shopping in peace, rather than sending awkward emojis?

Fortune Teller

This ad is supposed to be heartwarming, showcasing a couple who has at last succeeded in their long journey to conceive a baby. Still, the commercial ends up being amusingly delightful, sparking laughter rather than sentimental emotions.

Fortune Teller

This is right on the mark for the expression we’d expect on the faces of our other halves when we discover that we are expecting a baby together. It makes you ponder though, what they must have been imagining was going on with her belly before deciding to take this pregnancy test.

No Love

We all begin to understand the idea of marriage when we’re quite young. This could be by looking at how our own parents interact or dreaming about the person we might end up marrying one day. Regardless of how we approach it, all of us build certain assumptions and expectations about what it means to be married.

No Love

If your marriage doesn’t involve sharing the household duties and tasks, it might not genuinely be a team effort after all. Someone is making arguments that have never crossed our minds before, and they are totally changing the way we think.

Nice to Meter You

In the USA, people take pride in being distinct from everyone else worldwide. It’s fantastic to be unique, except when the rest of the globe can’t comprehend your measurement system.

Nice to Meter You

Placing one foot ahead of the other is a surprisingly effective way to calculate the length of something. When folks around the world require a swift and precise estimate, all they have to do is pick up the closest parking meter – and just like that, they’re ready to go!

Look in the Mirror

The timeless story of Snow White primarily centers on a lovely young maiden. She finds herself on the run from her wicked stepmother, a woman who is consumed with envy over the natural beauty of her stepdaughter. This jealousy forms the basis of this classic narrative.

Image via Imgur; Screenshot from “Shazam! Fury of the Gods”; Screenshot from “Wonder Woman”

When you decide to feature Gal Gadot as the not-so-pretty stepmother, it gets a bit challenging to accept that the mirror might ever declare someone else as the most beautiful in the entire kingdom.

Branded for Life

Operating a vehicle comes with significant duties. If you don’t concentrate and handle the car correctly, you might find yourself in an unfortunate situation like a car accident, just like these individuals.

Branded for Life

Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, and that’s something to be grateful for. However, the person involved in this accident gets to take home a hardcore reminder in the form of a wicked scar that will stick with them forever. Hopefully, they have a fondness for Nissans because the brand’s logo is going to be a constant sight on their skin for their entire life.

Say Cheese!

We have to be really grateful for the internet, right? Because without it how else would we have chance to bump into this super useful diagram. Well, it simply explains that people without hearing see exactly the same things as those who have hearing. Amazing, isn’t it?

Say Cheese!

Frankly, we truly wish that none of this news takes anyone off guard. If it does, there’s most likely a need for you to inform yourself a bit more. To put it in simpler terms, the ability to hear doesn’t necessarily promise a high degree of intellect. You see, it just doesn’t work that way.

Baby Snatcher

Decorating the inside of a home is a task that needs careful handling. You must make sure to select a piece of artwork that suits the room, but that’s not all. You have to select the appropriate spot to place it, the correct height to hang it, and the ideal direction for it to be displayed and appreciated.

Baby Snatcher

The folks at this place completely got the first three aspects right, but somehow seemed to overlook that the woman was actually suspending the infant in mid-air. Now, the scene simply appears quite unusual and out of place.

Uber Rude

For people who are introverted, the last thing they want is to share a taxi ride with a driver who can’t stop talking. They often struggle with finding polite ways to let the driver know they would prefer a silent ride.

Uber Rude

We can’t be certain if the young woman is indeed hard of hearing, or if she simply states so to sidestep needless chats with her Uber drivers, yet regardless, the man’s thoughtless neglect for her situation is not condonable. His rude remark somehow reached her ears despite her possible deafness, leaving us wondering how that occurred. His casual disregard for her is in poor taste, to say the least.

Birth Control Yourself

In the current era, the dating scene can feel like a harsh game. It’s close to impossible to track down a normal person, not to mention locating a match that meets all the standards you’ve set.

Birth Control Yourself

It’s fantastic how dating applications give you the freedom to express your views on crucial matters like consuming alcohol, having kids, and even your stance on birth control. But perhaps, as a man, it might be wiser if he would keep his opinions on not wanting more children to himself. Especially, considering it’s quite a personal topic!

We Work Alone

Eating food at the beach can open you up to the nuisance of seagulls. It appears that these feathered creatures are only becoming more and more daring. Clearly, this seaside restaurant has been facing an increasing number of complaints about these pesky birds poaching meals directly from the plates of diners.

We Work Alone

If folks believe that the eatery has any say in what these seagulls do, they’re certainly mistaken. These birds operate on a policy of every bird for itself and unquestionably serve no one but their own interests. As hard to believe as it may be, seagulls are independent creatures who follow their own rules.

That’s Watts Up

Some phrases are so well-known, they’re quickly spoken by us straight off the top of our heads, even though we may struggle to recall precisely where they originated from. Consider this statement, which upon hearing again, may deviate a touch from the last time it reverberated in our ears.

That’s Watts Up

Regardless of how you see it, the truth remains the same. Leaving all your lights on, you’ll end up with a high utility bill. Here’s an insightful alternative—switch off your lights. Not only would this be kind to Mother Earth, but also a savior to your budget.

Send a Pic

Communicating through text can often cause some confusion. Especially for older folks, comprehending the intended message might not be so straightforward. This is typically since some messages might not be expressed clearly or perhaps because they’re not as familiar with this type of communication.

Send a Pic

Even though this guy was super quick to snap a picture of himself and send it to this person without wondering why, it’s pretty plain that this isn’t what he intended. Don’t hesitate, snap a fun selfie and send it back his direction so he isn’t left hanging.

Running Late

It’s a bit unclear who’s to blame for kids being tardy at school—could it be the parents, or perhaps the kids themselves? No matter who causes the delay, it’s important to note that when the school bell begins to chime, the school gates gradually start to close. This method works as a lesson for all families on the importance of punctuality and sticking to a schedule.

Running Late

Evidently, the school significantly misjudged the determination of the parents when it came to getting their children admitted, even if that meant chucking the youngsters over the fence. Talk about an outlandish request to have to make!

Delivering Bad News

Often, even if we try our best to keep our distance from former partners, circumstances have a knack for reintroducing them into our lives at the most unsuitable moments. Despite our best efforts, life has a funny way of bringing back our exes at times when it may not be very convenient for us.

Delivering Bad News

How could this individual have possibly managed to sidestep this awkward scenario? It’s definitely not their fault that they found themselves executing the job of fetching the order of their former partner. They’re merely trying to eke out a living. Our hearts go out to this poor fellow.

Playing Games

This youngster seriously believed he was up to something by trying to swipe this individual’s details. Perhaps, he ought to use up more of his time brushing up on his spelling skills than idling away on Xbox.

Playing Games

He was so thrilled with himself, having duped someone into sharing their email and password. He was so caught up in this triumph he didn’t quite check to see that the details they provided were in fact, bogus. But hey, let’s just let him bask in that joy for a while before the truth dawns on him.

Oh, Grandpa

You’d be familiar with the notion of mayhem if your family operates a group chat. With a mix of different generations all participating in one conversation, there’s bound to be some humorous exchanges. Just like the one we’re talking about right now.

Oh, Grandpa

Instead of finding the sympathy and prayers she was hoping for, it’s evident that Grandpa doesn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that their family dog isn’t feeling well. What seems to catch his attention more is the delicious brisket he has prepared.

Hungry for Attention

Men can often behave in ways that appear cryptic, leading us to grasp any inner understanding we can unearth about their thought processes. However, it truly surprised us when this individual on Twitter shared such profound wisdom concerning this matter.

Hungry for Attention

Our society sure does insist men be tough, sturdy, and keep their feelings hidden. But isn’t it strange that just a compliment or two can make a man’s day loads better? It’s a sad reality that even with all the pressure, a bit of praise can make a big difference.

I Don’t

Let’s be honest, it’s not an easy job to tell your partner, whom you’ve been seeing for a while, that you don’t want to move forward with them. We fully understand—marriage is a really big deal and it’s not something you jump into lightly.

I Don’t

Certainly seems like a steep claim, saying you’ve been let go from work and need to secure a new job within the next 60 days or else you’ll be forced to vacate the country. We sincerely hope that Dare Obasanjo’s prediction isn’t right.

Called Out

Receiving a text from your boss about an early morning appointment is arguably the worst. Nonetheless, it’s wise to just respond than daring to face the consequences of being singled out in the group chat.

Called Out

Well-timed Brad Pitt GIF from Troy huh? This boss not only knows how to get a laugh, but they also have excellent taste. It almost makes up for them requiring their staff to be awake and ready at 6 a.m., just about. The understanding of humor and the appreciation for good cinema balances out the early start time, almost entirely. A cool boss, indeed, but those 6 a.m. starts are still quite the challenge, worth noting.

Snow Way

After a thought takes root in someone’s mind, it’s challenging to change their course. It seems there are individuals out there with plenty of time on their hands but a woeful shortage of good judgement. They apparently fail to comprehend the simple truth that imbibing the contents of a snow globe is, without a doubt, an unwise decision.

Snow Way

We could’ve warned this individual that their plan wasn’t smart. But at the very least, they went ahead and did the trial run so now none of us need to repeat this experiment.

No Pets Allowed

If you own a pet, it’s necessary that you thoroughly read the rental agreement before moving into an apartment, just in case it says no pets are permitted. If not, what you can do is lean on the understanding nature of your property owner, much like in this instance.

No Pets Allowed

No worries at all, this frog won’t be creating any fuss! We’re absolutely thrilled that the landlord was gracious enough to make an exception, especially because he truly seems to be “very polite”, just as he looks!

Cute Dog

Why is the Hot Pockets Twitter account busy posting random stuff instead of promoting their tasty pizza pockets? Perhaps they could use their time better by figuring out ways to prevent their product from scorching the inside of one’s mouth rather than spending so much time on Twitter.

Cute Dog

Why on earth does that fellow own a lobster as a pet? You have to agree, though—their explanation is so basic, it’s impossible to resist a little giggle.

Milking What?

The magical environment of Dungeons and Dragons comes alive from our super creative minds and unimaginable realms, far more exciting than our normal, uneventful everyday reality would ever permit.

Milking What?

There are areas in this world that genuinely scare us. Who in their right mind thought of this twisted being— a seagull but with udders and the legs of a human? We would without a doubt have one response to this and that would be to sprint in the opposite direction away from this horrifying creature as fast as possible.

Going Bananas

Why do individuals act the way they do? This picture strikes as being so silly, given that it’s none other than banana bread when we interpret everything literally.

Going Bananas

This individual shared their thoughts on a forum dedicated to all things bread, and it’s a sure bet that bread lovers everywhere had something to express about it. Didn’t they have the basic knowledge that one is meant to utilize overly ripe bananas when making banana bread?

Extra Storage

Are you on the quest for the ultimate gift for that important man in your life? Well, your search ends here. The greatest battery organizer of them all is now accessible at a nearby store!

Extra Storage

This battery organizer is assured to make your dad beam with delight, be it on the occasion of Father’s Day, or on the day of your anniversary. The person who came up with the name of this product deserves to be kick out—or get a promotion. We can’t quite decide if we’re fans or critics of it.

Acting Fishy

It’s indeed annoying when certain things that should function properly, just don’t. And instead of sitting idly, waiting for help to arrive, at times the only viable solution is to grasp control and resolve the issue yourself.

Acting Fishy

This certainly offers a unique way to attract a bank’s attention. We’ve never come across anyone having a surplus of fish that they decided to adhere to ATMs before, yet there’s a first time for everything, isn’t there? The reassuring part is, at least he takes great pride in his unusual endeavor.

Totally Not Rad-Ical

When this lady shared a glowing review of her Walmart rug online, we bet she didn’t foresee the kind of reaction she got. Girls, it’s likely a good hint that posting your toes on the web might not be the best idea.

Totally Not Rad-Ical

Can someone urgently remove Rad from the Walmart Twitter account? Kindly search for an alternative platform for his eccentric fascination with feet.

Scientific Method

No question is ever a foolish one. In line with the proper approach in science, attempting to answer an inquiry commendably means that you’re on the right track. A brave young child dared to voice out a thought that was hovering in most minds—do blooms and leaves indulge in the act of sneezing?

Scientific Method

While the choice to explore feet as a potential cause for sneezes might raise some eyebrows, the amount of work put into it is clear, and the results are presented in a way that is straightforward to grasp. This experiment displayed great effort and gets our nod of approval for a solid A+ grade.

Orange You Glad

Interesting isn’t it, how the word ‘orange’ can be quite a puzzle. This word amazingly represents both a vibrant color and a delicious fruit, yet it remains unique as it defies all attempts to find a perfect rhyme.

Orange You Glad

Alright, it’s certain that nothing rhymes perfectly with the word “orange”. And even though there seems to be a missing punctuation here, the meaning remains correct. If they’d posed it as a question, using a question mark at the end, our answer would be suggesting “door hinge” as a fine example that nearly rhymes. The brevity of this sentence may make it look simple, but the concept behind it is much more complex. So, in essence, yes, there isn’t a perfect rhyme for “orange”, and “door hinge” could be your best bet when you need something close!

Horse in the House

This is the chillest reaction we can think of, upon finding an uninvited guest inside a house. Indeed, we’re pretty sure we wouldn’t stay calm if a horse somehow managed to get into our home.

Horse in the House

We are hoping no one ends up replying to this post, wishing they could keep the horse as their own pet. Doug and his wife look just like the ideal parents this horse could ever have. The way she is striking a pose for the camera, she looks like she naturally belongs in their loving home.

We’re Real People!

The web is packed to the brim with robots and automated systems. It’s a tough task to separate the ones managed by real humans from those that are just bogus.

We’re Real People!

It’s clear that the Hertz group really wanted to show that they are real individuals, not automatons. Unluckily for them, they seem to have misunderstood that the original post which upset them was from a robotic account, not a person. Poor Hertz, indeed.

That’s Ruff

It isn’t often that every person on the internet can share the same opinion, but they certainly do when the opportunity to tease someone comes along. Say there’s a contest to make the best drawing of a pup, wouldn’t you agree that people are going to be unanimous in picking a winner?

That’s Ruff

Absolutely, the winner is the spooky, amusing sketch of a canine, not the beautiful, intricate one. Don’t get it wrong, it’s not about judging skill but which illustration will give people the bigger chuckle.

Out of Order

We’ve all shared frightening tales about the nasty germs stubbornly lurking in McDonald’s play areas. As kids, those tales didn’t curb our enthusiasm to frolic in them. However, after coming across a sign of this kind, we’ve vowed to steer clear of those spaces forever.

Out of Order

There are numerous issues with this particular sign. From using the ball pit as a restroom to the misspelling of Ronald McDonald’s name, it’s all a mess. Additionally, the “secret” nature of the play space is slightly concerning. We would advise everyone to steer clear from this location.

College Bound

For a lot of folks growing up in recent times, going to college didn’t feel like it was simply an option—it was seen as a necessary step in securing a well-paying job. However, our elders may have made a misstep in assuming that our college experiences would mirror theirs exactly.

College Bound

It’s tough keeping up with our bills, including the ones that bring joy to our lives and make us feel it’s all worthwhile. But, don’t worry, at least we’ve got our diplomas from college to keep us cozy when we’re unable to pay the heating bills.

Picture This

Employing a photographer for your wedding day means trusting in their artistic talent and keen ability to beautifully preserve the delight and joy of this momentous occasion. After all, these images will serve as lasting mementos, allowing you to revisit and cherish your extraordinary day in years to come.

Picture This

This fortunate pair is now going to gaze upon this specific platter of ham eternally. Mysteriously, the person behind the camera developed a fondness for its appearance. We’re somewhat in doubt if we share his enthusiasm.

April Fools’ Jokes

On April Fools’ Day, it’s typical to pull off a few harmless pranks on your loved ones. This delightful grandma merely wanted to participate in the merry mischief-making.

April Fools’ Jokes

No doubt, Grammy could use a bit more rehearsal with her jesting antics—like maybe not revealing the punchline so quickly. Plus, using the correct term for it might be good too. However, we still appreciate a grandmother who tries to stay modern and engage with her grandkids. She’s definitely on the right track, sweetie.

Just Checking

Before Facebook rolled out the Marketplace feature, what was our alternative for online buying and selling? Facebook has certainly simplified the process for us.

Just Checking

Our conclusion is, we had significantly fewer pointless discussions. Why ask if something is obtainable when you’re not even curious? I guess this individual was just wanting to touch base with the car’s owner but didn’t truly have the slightest intention of purchasing his vehicle. What a nuisance.

Uber Lost

Sure thing. At times, our Uber drivers may take just a tad bit longer than we expect to locate us. And that’s alright—we all have moments when directions can be quite tricky. Except, of course, if you happen to be situated smack in the middle of the ocean.

Uber Lost

This Uber driver declared this quite casually, even though his location shows him smack bang in the midst of a body of water. We genuinely hope that this is nothing more than a mishap on the GPS, and his car hasn’t magically transformed into a float, wading in water at this very moment.

Bad Timing

It’s always a bit of a blush-triggering moment when you mistakenly ping a message to the very person you didn’t mean to. This becomes even more awkward when the message entails you pleading for their understanding and forgiveness.

Bad Timing

Even though the timing wasn’t great, the picture is too funny. Not just because it seems to mirror what this person might be feeling, but it also gives a dose of humor in a conversation that was getting way too gloomy. It’s a good laugh that was definitely needed.

Long Live the King

We weren’t aware that it was a normal thing for folks to possess costumes of animals and arrive at fast food joints clad in them. This quirky subgroup is something we probably would’ve been just fine not discovering.

Long Live the King

How often did people come in dressed in animal suits before the Burger King page stopped them from entering their restaurant? What was the behavior that they displayed that caused such a reaction from Burger King? So much so that they had to be referred to as “beast man” collectively. Very intriguing.

Cute or Creepy?

It’s a mystery as to why some folks think speaking in this manner is endearing. Really, guy, just engage in a straightforward chat with this individual. This kind of communication comes off as rather eerie.

Cute or Creepy?

We’re sort of stuck on what annoys us more—the stars sprinkled over the place, the “snuggling” part, or the staggering reality that our pal here is 34 years old. Honestly, it’s too hard to pick just one. The effort he is putting into being pleasant simply doesn’t erase the ickiness.

Hot New Item

You’ve probably heard about folks finding shapes in clouds, a simple game of imagination. But when it comes to spotting figures in Hot Cheetos and then putting them up for sale on the web, it’s on a completely different level. It’s something other than just seeing pictures in fluffy white masses in the sky. It involves fiery, crunchy corn snacks and the World Wide Web.

Hot New Item

It’s hard to guess how we’d react if we came across a display case full of treasured Flaming Hot Cheetos in someone’s living room. People can be fascinated by the strangest things, or maybe this collector believes that a Cheeto that kind of looks like a bird perched on a twig is sure to rake in the big bucks someday.

The Man Who Saved Christmas

The job of a “ham sniffer” may seem strange to a lot of us. It raises curiosity about what the ideal ham smell is and also makes one wonder about the journey of getting into this unique industry.

The Man Who Saved Christmas

This gentleman is the true savior of Christmas. His dedication is seen as he bravely endures the festive season, making it his duty to sample the aroma of as many hams as he possibly can each day. It piques our curiosity of what he gets up to when the holiday season is over.

Best Deal

You can unearth some really cool bargains on the web. Like this one right here—it’s truly a bargain you wouldn’t want to miss.

Best Deal

Surely, this must be some sort of joke. Who would ever cram their Gameboy full of beans? And let’s not skip past the part where they want to sell it! The mind boggles at what they might think someone would be willing to pay for this masterpiece. But, as we’re always reminded, one man’s treasure is another man’s trash.

Too Cute

Concocting the perfect pickup line isn’t always easy. You need something that’s both witty and direct. Unfortunately, even with the best plans, the person in question couldn’t quite manage to get to their witty conclusion before the other individual responded in an unanticipated way. Their good intentions, however, were clear, but the delivery fell a bit short.

Too Cute

This might just be a hidden blessing. They’re showing their warning signs early, which is better than discovering them down the line.

So Cheesy

These days, gender reveal parties are all the rage. It’s such a thrill to observe the facial expressions of the soon-to-be parents and the pure delight they experience upon discovering whether their bundle of joy will be dressed in blue or pink.

So Cheesy

Though it may not be the most polished reveal you’ll ever see, observe how pleased the pizza joint is about its part in it. It’s straightforward and clear, and certainly, everyone gets a slice of pizza when it’s over. We bet there’s not a single complaint in the crowd. Perhaps they’ll settle on the name Olive for her.

Brutal Honesty

Have you ever experienced going on a date with someone, only to discover later that they went on a second date on that same day? It’s hard to even imagine the terrible feeling you would get when you found out about this.

Brutal Honesty

Good news for this fellow, Leah is the type to tell him right away that she has another date scheduled for the same day. But there’s no need to worry, mate, this upcoming date is a real deal, unlike whatever event you guys took part in earlier in the day.

The Stuff Garfield Eats

English can be super tricky. It’s filled with a bunch of words that have too many letters that just don’t sound the way they appear on paper. That is precisely the reason why the feature of autocorrect on our gadgets can be such a blessing.

The Stuff Garfield Eats

Isn’t it a curious thing how lasagna has such an odd spelling? We can definitely understand the difficulties that this unfortunate DoorDash delivery person is encountering. They genuinely gave it their best shot, and really, that’s all we can truly request from them.