Man Cut in Half by Forklift Finally Answers the Question Everyone Keeps Asking

Survivor of a Devastating Forklift Accident Shares His Journey of Resilience and Love

Written by: Manahil
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Man Cut in Half by Forklift Finally Answers the Question Everyone Keeps Asking

In September 2019, Loren Schauers, an 18-year-old laborer from Great Falls, Montana, faced an unimaginable ordeal. While operating a forklift on a bridge near Wilsal, Montana, a sequence of events led to a devastating accident.

As Loren maneuvered the forklift across the bridge, other motorists began illegally passing him. This forced Loren to veer too close to the edge of the single-lane bridge.

The ground beneath him suddenly gave way, causing the forklift to plummet 50 feet down a steep hill. Loren attempted to jump from the falling vehicle, but his leg became entangled in the seatbelt.

Loren Schauers
Loren Schauers (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)

The forklift rolled multiple times before landing on top of Loren, crushing the lower half of his body and his right arm. Remarkably, Loren remained conscious throughout the horrific incident.

Medical professionals were faced with a difficult decision to save his life. Loren was given the option to undergo a rare surgery called a hemicorporectomy or face certain death.

A hemicorporectomy involves amputating the body below the waist, including the pelvis, lower extremities, and external genitalia. Loren also lost his right arm as a result of the accident.

Loren girlfriend, Sabia
Loren girlfriend, Sabia (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)

Reflecting on the decision, Loren later said, “It wasn’t a hard choice to have half of my body amputatedโ€”it was basically a choice of living or dying.” His determination to survive inspired everyone around him.

His then-girlfriend, Sabia, stood by his side, supporting him through every step of recovery. The couple, who had been together for 18 months before the accident, grew even closer.

Sabia described Loren’s resolve, saying, “From that moment is when I knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He told the doctors, even if heโ€™s just a head on a plate, theyโ€™re gonna do the surgery and keep him alive.”

Loren began to adapt to his new reality with incredible resilience
Loren began to adapt to his new reality with incredible resilience (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)

After the surgery, Loren began to adapt to his new reality with incredible resilience. He and Sabia started documenting their journey on YouTube, gaining over 639,000 subscribers.

Their content explores their daily life, future plans, and personal challenges, offering inspiration to others. Loren and Sabia have shared their hopes of traveling and starting a family.

However, their growing visibility has brought intrusive questions from followers. One common question revolves around how they maintain intimacy after Lorenโ€™s life-altering surgery.

Addressing this, Sabia firmly stated, “That is a very personal question that we are never going to answer or allude to, as it’s very disrespectful.” She added, “Just because our life circumstances are different, it doesnโ€™t give people the right to ask.”

Lorenโ€™s bodily functions following his surgery
Lorenโ€™s bodily functions following his surgery (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)

Another frequently asked question is about Lorenโ€™s bodily functions following his surgery. In a candid Q&A video, Loren decided to address the curiosity directly.

He explained, “A colostomy, which is my colon pulled out of my body, allows me to poop. And I have bilateral nephrostomiesโ€”theyโ€™re tubes that drain my kidneys into bagsโ€”so that is how I poop, pee, and fart.”

Sabia, who plays an essential role in Lorenโ€™s care, assists with changing his colostomy bag daily. She also helps him with showering and other daily routines.

Their relationship has only strengthened through the challenges they face together. Sabia shared, “Going through this together has definitely strengthened a lot of the aspects of our relationship.”

 Loren Schauersโ€™ story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments
Loren Schauersโ€™ story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)

As their online presence grows, the couple continues to inspire countless people with their courage and love. Despite the obstacles, Loren and Sabia remain focused on building a fulfilling life together.

At the heart of their story lies the one question Loren is asked more than any other. “How do you continue to live and find happiness after losing so much?”

Lorenโ€™s response is both simple and profound. “It wasnโ€™t about what I lostโ€”it was about the fact that Iโ€™m still here. I chose to live.”

Their journey is a powerful testament to resilience, love, and the human spirit’s ability to overcome unimaginable challenges. Loren Schauersโ€™ story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope can prevail.

Feature Image Credit: (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)