40+ Passive-Aggressive Notes People Must Have Had Felt So Satisfied After Writing

40+ Passive-Aggressive Notes People Must Have Had Felt So Satisfied After Writing

Written by: Abdullah
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Some people like to fight. Others, not so much. For some people, confrontation is hard, so the best way to get their negative feelings across to someone else is to leave a note. A very aggressive note, but passive by its very nature. For people who donโ€™t like confrontation, this method is a good way to get their frustration across to the people that have stirred their ire. The notes weโ€™re looking at here are some of the most amusing or otherwise noteworthy. Heh, get it?

Never Above 70

Heating up a room costs a lot of money. So some people like to keep a thermostat beneath anything even remotely resembling a warm temperature. But if other people have access to that thermostat, they may turn it to a temperature you donโ€™t like.

Reddit // u/RiseRevolutionary675

If you canโ€™t find any other way to stop them and you donโ€™t like confronting them to their face, just write them a note that makes your stance clear, right? Maybe remind them to wear a sweater from time to time, if you think it will help.

Verbal Battleground

When it comes to note-to-note combat, the exchange is usually only one note answering another one. But when a topic is very hotly debated, there may be far more notes involved. These individuals, however many there may be, are arguing about coffee.

Twitter // @Memes92020

Itโ€™s a very important subject to debate, wouldnโ€™t you say? However you feel about coffee, itโ€™s almost guaranteed that someone disagrees with you. But at least they decided to have the fight in a civil, note-related manner. It could have been worse.

Do It Yourself Mom

Lots of parents make their kids do things they donโ€™t want to do. Usually, the kids complain about it to their faces, because why stay silent about something like that? But some kids decide that a note would be better.

Pinterest // @pleated-jeans.com

Well, chances are this wasnโ€™t a note they were giving to their parents: probably something they were forced to write at school or something. Either way, it fits into the mold of passive-aggressive notes that someone writes that made them happy.

Please Claim This

Lots of people like cats. But a lot of other people donโ€™t. Or sometimes, they just donโ€™t like certain cats. This individual wrote a note of sorts that shows just how they feel about some personโ€™s lost cat and the effect it is having on them.

Reddit // u/funny

Well, not all cats are well-behaved, so we get someone being a little upset about having a strangerโ€™s cat intruding on their home and their lives. That said, this kind of poster is something weโ€™ll count as a note.

At Least Steal Properly

Sometimes, you arenโ€™t even that mad about something. So when you leave a note, you donโ€™t accuse someone, you just give them more advice on how to do their crimes a little better. These types of notes are actually the most amusing.

Instagram // @humour_notes

Not to mention, these notes are kind of informative. Weโ€™ve actually learned quite a bit about rhubarb here, though weโ€™re not sure what we would do with that information regardless.

Read the Label

Are people just not getting the message when you tell them that the food in the fridge belongs to you? Is one note not enough to get their attention? Well, you can always leave a whole bunch of notes if you really have to. Just cover the whole refrigerator!

Pinterest // @buzzfeed.com

That way, no one has any excuse to eat your food. Especially not Debbie, that little thief. Canโ€™t she read? How much more obvious do you need things to be, Debbie?!

A Little Judgmental

OK, not everyone is very nice. And while some notes may be pretty funny, we have to admit that this one is a little judgmental and critical. We know some hipsters can be annoying, but not all of them. Some hipsters are just cool people.

Reddit // u/RiseRevolutionary675

But maybe the sign is just all in good fun. If not, itโ€™s a little offensive, but chances are most of the hipsters reading it probably donโ€™t care that much about it. They tend to be pretty swell.

Donโ€™t Cut My Hair

Some people are very fond of their hair. But when they are still kids, they donโ€™t really get a lot of autonomy regarding how their hair is kept. Usually, parents get to choose that kind of thing. But that doesnโ€™t mean a kid canโ€™t be unhappy.

Twitter // @TSKinal

If they really want to express their discomfort, they write a note. And then, they add some nice little doodles to that note so that it is truly clear how upset they are. How could anyone deny a little girl that?

Only Two Options

Here we are again with another note involved in the refrigerator. Apparently, people stealing food is a pretty serious problem, which is why we can encounter so many examples like this one. Sure, thereโ€™s only two notes this time, but still.

Twitter // @Memes92020

Will people ever learn to only eat their own food? Maybe people need to start actually locking their food somehow. Padlocks on Tupperware, anyone? Thatโ€™s not too silly, is it?

Easy to Read

Graphs are nice because they readily explain things without much trouble. It can be used to explain to people what they should and shouldnโ€™t do, especially if you have to use a note instead of having a conversation. Nice and easy!

Reddit // u/RiseRevolutionary675

We just canโ€™t get over the fact that someone got tilted enough to draw out this whole graph, after which they went to go and put it in a bathroom. People must have really been ticking them off. Well, the problem at hand was kind of gross.

The Checklist

Tired of being asked the same questions all the time? Well, thatโ€™s easy enough to take care of: just write out a nice little note that answers all of those frequently asked questions. A quick FAQ, and all of your problems are solved.

Pinterest // @thepoke.co.uk

It saves you a bunch of headaches, and everyone gets the information that they want. Everyone wins. More importantly, your patience gets to survive, which is the most important thing of all.