People Share the Most Unbelievable Messages They’ve Gotten From Exes

Written by: Abdullah
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In a perfect world, you would never hear from your ex again after a breakup. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and even when you block someone you don’t want to hear from, they somehow always find a way to reach out to you again. Here are some of the most unbelievable messages people have gotten from their exes.

No Comment, Eh?

Lots of people have that ex that act as though they have a right to be irritable when you call them out for their wrongdoing. Even though they were the ones who clearly did something wrong, you get to be treated like a nuisance for bringing up what they did.

No Comment, Eh?

But hey, it kind of makes sense that the presumed girl in this exchange loves exactly the type of terrible person that she probably is. Many of us know an ex that was far too in love with themselves.

Is That All You Are Worth?

One message that most people don’t like to get from their ex is one that suggests they get back together. Even worse is a message like this one — in which the ex offers to get back together with you, but only if you pay them, apparently.

Is That All You Are Worth?

We don’t need to mention how insulting that is for the person getting the message, but wouldn’t you also be insulting yourself if you proclaimed that your time was only worth a whopping $50? Seems kind of pitiful, doesn’t it?

What Kind of Description Is That…?

OK — so this one isn’t exactly a message from an ex, but it’s an ex talking about a certain someone, so it still kind of fits here. Either way, it’s pretty obvious that the ex feels as though they were the one who got the short end of the stick.

What Kind of Description Is That…?

We find that it’s always a bad idea to post stuff like this on social media if you’re the one who was problematic. After all, you’re kind of just opening yourself up to ridicule from others, much like what you can see here.