Prince Philip’s harsh Meghan Markle nickname revealed

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Prince Philip's harsh Meghan Markle nickname

The relationship between Meghan Markle and the British Royal Family has been filled with complexities since the former ‘Suits’ actress married Prince Harry in 2018. Over time, many have speculated about how different royal family members viewed Meghan’s presence. 

One individual’s perspective has garnered particular interest Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who passed away in 2021. Known for his sharp remarks and candid opinions, Philip’s thoughts on Meghan were often kept private. 

However, new revelations have come to light, hinting at what he truly thought of his grandson’s wife. While Queen Elizabeth II was said to have had high hopes for Meghan, it seems Prince Philip wasn’t as optimistic.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle (Instagram/@meghan.markle.official)

Royal experts and commentators have hinted that Philip was wary of Meghan from the beginning. According to royal biographer Ingrid Seward, his concerns were rooted in comparisons to a figure from royal history Wallis Simpson. 

Wallis Simpson, the American divorcée who married Edward VIII, has long been a controversial figure in the royal family’s history. Edward’s marriage to Wallis led to his abdication, forever altering the monarchy. 

These comparisons between Meghan and Wallis have been drawn before, but Prince Philip reportedly saw the connection much deeper than most. Seward explains that the Duke of Edinburgh couldn’t help but notice the striking similarities between Meghan and Wallis. 

Both women were American, divorced, and married into the royal family. According to Seward, this connection bothered Prince Philip, and he found it hard to ignore. His concerns about Meghan were not limited to these surface-level traits, however. 

Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh

While Queen Elizabeth II reportedly saw Meghan as a modern addition to the monarchy, Prince Philip had his reservations. Seward revealed that the Duke of Edinburgh viewed Meghan as a potentially disruptive figure in the royal household. 

These worries persisted as Meghan’s influence on Prince Harry became more apparent, particularly after their decision to step back from royal duties. In 2020, Meghan and Harry announced their exit from the royal family, choosing to relocate to California. 

The couple’s departure from the UK only deepened the parallels with Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII. Like them, Meghan and Harry distanced themselves from royal responsibilities and sought independence away from the monarchy. 

Prince Philip
Prince Philip (Instagram/@hrhprincephillip)

Royal commentator Hugo Vickers noted that the similarities between Harry and Edward VIII were unmistakable. Both men, he said, seemed to carry a certain sadness after leaving royal life behind, with love playing a central role in their decisions. 

Vickers explained that Prince Harry, much like Edward VIII, chose a path that was seen as personal happiness but with far-reaching consequences. The comparisons between the two royal couples, according to Vickers, were impossible to ignore. 

Meghan’s visits to the UK have been few and far between since her exit from royal duties. She appeared at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in 2022, but notably skipped King Charles III’s coronation the following year, which Harry attended alone. 

king charles
king charles

Throughout these developments, Prince Philip’s concerns about Meghan seem to have persisted. According to Seward, he remained wary of her until his passing, keeping his skepticism mostly private. 

But despite keeping his opinions reserved, Philip’s concerns were well-known to those close to him. Seward shared that, while the Duke never openly expressed his feelings to Meghan, his thoughts on her influence within the family were clear. 

In fact, Prince Philip reportedly had a special nickname for Meghan, though he never addressed her with it directly. This nickname was deeply tied to his concerns and the historical comparisons he often made. 

nickname for Meghan
nickname for Meghan (Instagram/@meghan.markle.official)

After years of speculation, this nickname has finally been revealed. The Duke of Edinburgh referred to Meghan Markle as “DoW”—a reference to Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor. 

The nickname, short for Duchess of Windsor, reflects Philip’s belief that Meghan’s influence on Prince Harry mirrored that of Wallis Simpson’s on Edward VIII. Though Philip never said it to Meghan’s face, the nickname speaks volumes about his lasting concerns over her role in the royal family. 

This revelation sheds new light on the complexities of Meghan’s relationship with the British royals. It also highlights the lasting legacy of Wallis Simpson and how her impact continues to echo through royal history, even decades later.

Feature Image Credit: (Instagram/@meghan.markle.official) (Instagram/@hrhprincephillip)

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