These Structures Are So Dangerous They’ll Make Your Blood Run Cold

These Structures Are So Dangerous They’ll Make Your Blood Run Cold

Architecture isn’t just about how things look or work; it’s a careful balance where safety must never be overlooked. Picture a beautiful skyscraper that poses a safety risk—is its attractiveness worth the potential danger? We firmly believe it’s not. Interestingly, Reddit communities like r/Architectureforadults and r/DangerousDesign share this sentiment. They’re full of examples of poorly thought-out designs.

From doors that open to nowhere and buildings on the verge of collapse to staircases designed for accidents, these designs boggle the mind. The message is clear: striking architecture should always prioritize safety. Beauty and functionality must go hand in hand for any structure to truly shine. When we achieve this harmony, we create visually appealing designs and safe and practical spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Just Russians… Bring Terrifying!

Imagine prepping for the biggest party and realizing your house isn’t big enough! That’s what happened with Russia during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. They built grand stadiums but had an “oopsie” moment—one was 18,000 seats short!

Instead of panicking, the architects went full MacGyver, adding the required number of seats as per FIFA regulations. But let’s just say their method wouldn’t win any safety awards. It’s like adding a makeshift attic for extra party guests—creative but perhaps not the safest audience experience!

Next: Safety? What’s that?

Mind The Gap!

Ever built a treehouse with one shaky board? Think bigger: imagine a balcony on a high-rise! While a solid rail is Balcony 101, there’s more to safe design. Picture this: a well-fortified railing with a two-inch bottom gap.

Talk about a toe-tripping, phone-droppin’, and pet-slipping disaster! Whoever dreamt that up might need to revisit architecture school. We’re hoping no one’s taken a tumble there—remember, safety first, especially when it comes to gravity’s playground!

Next: We dare you to go here…

Do Not Make Eye Contact Here!

Bathroom breaks are meant to be a private activity, right? Now, picture this: you’re already trying to save your modesty at a urinal, and here you are, looking at someone’s quirky idea of “innovation” that just made bathroom etiquette even trickier!

Sure, there’s a handy sink atop each urinal (innovation or space-saving?), but the rest? Total facepalm moment! Unless someone is up for making unexpected eye contact, it’s better to opt for the cubicles. Bathroom redesigns should aim for privacy, not awkward reunions.

Next: Scared of heights? Give this Indian historical structure a miss!

It Only Takes One Clumsy Person At The Stepwell…

Ever thought the past was safer? Think again! India, famed for its architectural marvels, also had some eyebrow-raising designs. Welcome to Chand Baori Stepwell in Rajasthan’s Abhaneri village. As you’ll see, it’s vast and vertigo-inducing well.

With 3,500 small steps and 13 stories, it is one of India’s deepest and largest step-wells, and it’s stood the test of time for over a millennium. A testament to ancient engineering? Absolutely. A daredevil’s dream with its dizzying depths? For sure! Historical and heart-stopping all in one!

Next: Zero points for functionality.

“Rock-ing Will Have You Rolling (Down)

Dreaming of turning your home into a nature retreat? Plants, rustic wood accessories, and rocks can be a go-to for the audacious. But a word to the wise: embedding rocks in the staircase might transform one’s home into an unintended climbing adventure.

While it’s Pinterest-worthy and artistic, it’s also a recipe for a rockslide in your living room. Trust us, tumbling rocks are no fun—unless you fancy turning house chores into dodging drills. Keep it safe, and let staircases just be staircases…

Next: A room with a killer view.

Someone Trusts These Two Tree Trunks, Too Much

Treehouses of our childhood dreams were sturdy sky-high sanctuaries where the biggest threat was maybe a misplaced Lego. While many of us relegated treehouses to childhood memories, some folks took the ‘tree-mendous’ plunge and decided to actually live among the leaves.

But here’s the twist: the treehouse below seems to have forgotten that it needs more trees for support! This is Takasugi-an in Japan, meaning “a teahouse [built] too high.” Architect Terunobu Fujimori designed and built this single-room structure as his teahouse.

Next: We’re safer on the ground.

High Up In The Sky

Ever dreamed of flying? Trampolines can give you a taste, a few exhilarating seconds of airborne bliss. But as with all short-lived joys, there’s a catch: they’re not exactly known for their safety record. Misjudge a jump, and hello, gravity.

However, the trampoline you’re about to see is on another level—it’s the daredevil’s dream and a safety officer’s nightmare rolled into one. Whoever dreamt this up must’ve been inspired by extreme sports. It might offer a wild thrill, but is the risk of a crash landing worth it? We think not!

Next: Fancy… but foolish?

When The Stairs Are Not “Stairing” Anymore

Ever looked at a decor piece and thought, “What on Earth?” We’ve been there. More than we’d like to admit, modern interior design sometimes leaves us scratching our heads. Yes, it’s all sleek and stylish, but where’s the practicality?

Case in point: the stairs you’re about to see. Sure, they scream “futuristic” and might even pass as an art installation in a gallery, but in a home? Let’s just say navigating them might feel like decoding a modern art mystery. Style’s great, but stairs shouldn’t come with a learning curve!

Next: Keeping it clean.

Enjoy A Soak While Everybody Watches

Ever played house Tetris? When it comes to home setups, there’s usually a script: stoves anchor the kitchens while bathtubs take a place of pride in bathrooms. But sometimes, homeowners toss the rulebook and get… creative.

Take this family home. Their bathroom was too small to accommodate a bathtub. Solution? Plop it next to the stairs, of course! Now, stepping out might mean stepping down, and morning showers come with a side of stair-climbing. Talk about an unexpected twist in home design! Ready for the house tour? Watch your step!

Next: Stairs to heaven?

The Mystery Of The Frida Kahlo Museum

Ever peered into the world of Frida Kahlo, the iconic 20th-century Mexican painter? Here’s a quirky tidbit: Frida and her husband, Diego Rivera, lived in separate houses connected by just a bridge! And these stairs in the photo zigzag up to Frida’s rooftop and seemingly start from nowhere!

Nowadays, this building has morphed into a museum celebrating the power couple. Thousands flock annually for a glimpse into their unique love nest. One word of caution: let’s hope those precarious steps are off-limits to eager tourists—safety first!

Next: Slip and slide…

For When You Want To Make A Very Dramatic Entry

Architects, we feel you. Crafting the umpteenth regular staircase might seem yawn-worthy. But sometimes, creativity can run a bit wild. Case in point: the staircase we see here. Picture a playground slide, then morph it into household infrastructure.

Not only does it hog space like a center-stage diva, but its safety credentials also seem sketchy. Just imagine groggily navigating those zany steps during your morning haze. A stairway to heaven or a slippery slope to a sprain? You decide!

Next: Speaking of slopes!

Who Okayed This Futuristic Monstrosity?

Modern design in homes is one thing, but playgrounds? Come on! Kids seek fun, not architectural critiques. The playground in question seems to have taken cues from minimalist adult aesthetics.

Picture this: children, gleeful and ready for fun, met by a slide that’s more “slip and slide” than “safe and sound.” With nothing to grip as they descend, it’s a recipe for falls, bumps, and bruises! Whoever thought swapping the trusty, cheerful plastic slide for this avant-garde version might’ve missed a childhood memo. Play safe, design safer!

Next: The real estate prices here are crazy.

Those Greek Monks Sure Had A Breathtaking View

Ever wonder why ancient monasteries often seem to touch the sky? It wasn’t just about getting closer to God but also, let’s admit a savvy security move. Take the awe-inspiring Meteora Monastery in Greece, perched atop staggering rock formations near Kalabaka.

Not only does it offer a direct line to the heavens, but its lofty locale keeps pesky intruders at bay. One of the Greek Orthodox Church’s crowning jewels, Meteora isn’t just a holy haven; it’s a divine architectural feat. Talk about building with a view (and purpose)!

Next: Getting the details just right.

Just Finishing Up The Light On An American Icon

Flashback to the turn of the 20th century: safety gear? What’s that? Hard hats at construction sites? Optional. It was a wild era where caution was thrown to the wind. Case in point: the audacious worker perched atop the Statue of Liberty, finessing that iconic golden flame without a harness in sight!

It’s enough to give today’s health and safety officers a heart attack. Thankfully, modern workspaces have embraced the mantra, “Safety first!” Making sure every Tom, Dick, and Harry doesn’t turn tightrope walker on the job. Phew, how times have changed!

Next: An ill-fated design marvel.

The Tallest Ladders We’ve Ever Seen

Imagine the Titanic of the skies—the Hindenburg. Launched in 1936 from Friedrichshafen, Germany, this colossal 804-foot airship crisscrossed the Atlantic, making headlines. Yet, by May 1937, it was infamously aflame in history’s pages. As grand as the Hindenburg was, the construction methods? Not so much.

Workers weren’t levitating or using futuristic gear to craft this airborne giant. Nope! They scaled the behemoth with, wait for it… a handful of ladders. Yep, just some old-school ladders for the airship that rivaled the Titanic in size. Talk about a high-stakes balancing act!

Next: Is there an elevator somewhere?

Hope You Didn’t Skip Leg Day?

Behold the dizzying 350-step Montagne De Bueren in Liège, Belgium—a stairway not for the faint of heart! Built in the 19th century, Montagne De Bueren is a vertigo-inducing marvel that often comes with its share of trip-and-tumble risks.

And while its vintage charm makes for a stunning photo op, imagine the workout climbing it! Don’t forget to pack some water, enthusiasm, and a tad bit of bravery if you’re planning a visit. Who needs a gym when history’s given us this epic stairmaster?

Next: Tom Cruise wasn’t the only cliffhanger!

Laughing In The Face Of Gravity

Ever thought temples could hang off cliffs? The Hanging Temple or Xuankong Temple in China’s Shanxi Province raises the bar (and our heart rates!) Perched precariously on the side of Mount Heng, it’s as if it’s challenging gravity and unwanted guests.

While it’s a marvel that shouts “Good luck, thieves,” one can’t help but wonder about the safety of visitors and monks. Sure, it’s an architectural wonder and a burglar’s nightmare, but vertigo sufferers might want to think twice before taking that pilgrimage! The view is breathtaking, though.

Next: Stairs, straight from our nightmares.

A Dizzying Design Disaster

Ever gazed upon a staircase that’s so wild it seems tailor-made for post-party adventures? While we jest about the quirky designs, this particular set isn’t just quirky—it’s dizzyingly perplexing!

Sure, aesthetics are subjective, but these steps seem more like an inebriation obstacle course than functional architecture. So, if you’ve had a few too many and fancy a challenge, these stairs await, as you need to jump and zig-zag just to get up or down! Trust us, it would be a sight to behold. Just maybe… not in heels or your socks.

Next: A dinner with a view… and vertigo!

Imagine Dropping Your Fork Here

Craving a dinner with a twist, or rather, an uplift? Why not try “Dinner in the Sky,” where your dining table floats mid-air! Available globally, this gravity-defying feast isn’t for the faint-hearted.

Although diners buckle up for safety (yes, like on an airplane), we can’t help but ponder: what if the butter knife, spoon, or fork takes a nosedive? It’s dining mixed with adrenaline. Just ensure that the grip on your wine glass is tight, as it’s a long way down! Cheers to food, friends, and fearless thrill!

Next: How much can you trust the architects?

Sliding Over Air

Ever dreamt of sliding from the sky amidst skyscrapers? Head to LA’s OUE Skyspace and take on the Skyslide challenge! This isn’t your average slide from the playground; it’s an all-glass spectacle affixed to the U.S. Bank Tower’s exterior, letting you glide 70 floors above LA’s streets.

Spanning 45 feet in length and 4 feet in width, every inch offers a heart-racing view of the bustling city below. It’s an aerial escapade in the heart of Los Angeles. Dare to drop in?

Next: Essentially, a giant mirror.

Giving A New Meaning To “Blinding Lights”

Mirror-finished buildings can dazzle the skyline, especially when night falls. But by day? They’re sunlight’s best frenemy. As swanky as they appear, these reflective skyscrapers have a fiery downside. One glimpse at our next image, and you’ll catch our drift.

The sheer intensity of sunlight bouncing off these surfaces is jaw-dropping. So intense, we’d wager it could turn the pavement into an impromptu frypan, sizzling an egg or hastening an ice cream’s demise. Architectural beauty or urban magnifying glass? You decide!

Next: Imagine getting stuck here…

Loop The Loop

Have you ever seen a structure so bonkers you’d think it’s straight out of a cartoon? Meet the Cannonball Loop waterslide in Vernon, New Jersey. This wild ride wasn’t just about making everyone scream—it aimed to turn everyone upside down with its audacious 360-degree loop!

Dubbed one of the world’s riskiest rides, it’s no wonder the park closed its doors in 1997. Though it did reopen a year later, this wardrobe-wrecking wonder was nowhere in sight. And honestly? We’re thinking that’s a relief for thrill-seekers’ swimsuits everywhere!

Next: Real-life video game?

Can You Make The Jump?

Behold a sight that boggles the mind—stairs leading to peril, suspended without a destination. Surely, there’s a tale behind this baffling structure, and we’re scratching our heads to unravel it.

As you gaze upon this alarming image, what are your thoughts? Our guess is a once-sturdy balcony, now fallen, leaving these stairs to dangle dangerously in the air. An eerie reminder of the impermanent things in life and a lesson in the importance of sturdy construction, don’t you think?

Next: When designers want to mess with the construction crew!

A Huge Wooden Tower… What Could Go Wrong?

Ever wondered where Dr. Seuss might live if he leaped from the pages of his books? Meet the whimsical Dr. Seuss House, known as The Goose Creek Tower, in Talkeetna, Alaska. Building towers requires impeccable balance and a rock-solid foundation.

Yet, soaring to 185 feet, this wondrous wooden structure throws convention to the wind, looking like it danced out of a Seussian tale. While it showcases architectural marvels, it also tickles the imagination, reminding us that sometimes, the line between reality and fantasy is just a sketch!

Next: A terrible path to cycle on.

Accessibility, Nah, Not Important Here!

Feel the urge to time travel? The Ponte Dei Salti in Ticino, Southern Switzerland, might just be your portal to medieval times! This stone bridge is an Instagrammer’s dream, with its double arches majestically spanning the Verzasca River.

But a word to the wise: as enchanting as it looks, it’s missing one little (rather important) detail—railings! So, while it serves up history and picturesque views, make sure you’re stepping carefully. After all, chivalrous knights aren’t around to save you from a watery mishap!

Next: A lawsuit waiting to happen!

You’ll Be Down in No Time!

Embracing the DIY spirit can be exhilarating. Who doesn’t love molding their space while saving cash and acquiring new skills? But every DIY project isn’t a fairytale. Take these stairs, for instance.

Someone was clearly inspired by a snazzy online design and thought, “I’ve got this!” Yet, ambition sometimes overshadows expertise. The result? Let’s just say it’s more ‘DI-Why’ than DIY. As you dive into your next misadventure, remember that not all that glitters on Pinterest is gold in practice!

Next: ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ gateway to…?

Doors To Nowhere?

Skyscrapers: modern marvels designed with meticulous attention to safety, right? Most undergo rigorous checks to ensure they’re ready for any emergency. It’s always comforting to spot that emergency exit when you need it. But imagine spotting an exit that… well, exits to nowhere!

Oddly enough, one such building sports doors seemingly suspended in the void. One can only hope it’s locked tight and clearly marked “Do Not Open. Like Seriously.” Because let’s face it: an unexpected skywalk is nobody’s idea of fun!

Uh, Who Moved The Railings?

At first glance, this charming footbridge may seem safe and sound with its picturesque arch and robust pillars. But here’s the catch: it’s not a problem for those with impeccable balance. However, if your equilibrium is less than stellar, you’ll soon discover the bridge’s quirky quirk—the railings are pint-sized!

For the unsteady-footed, this means a potential dip in the stream below. So, while it’s a visually delightful crossing, it’s a heart-thumping adventure for those who tread less steadily. Good balance, or a walking band in the middle, is advised.

Next: The eye of Sauron, reborn.

“Lord of the Rings,” Is That You?

Stairs and bridges—common culprits in the safety neglect department! Our next stop on the safety-check journey takes us back a couple of centuries to 1860 and admires Germany’s Rakotzbrücke bridge. This architectural marvel was perfectly crafted, forming a flawless circle rivaling even the most mystical of settings from the movie “Lord of the Rings.”

However, as enchanting as it appears, crossing it isn’t for the faint-hearted. Safety may have taken a backseat to aesthetics here, making it a bridge better suited for the pages of fantasy novels than real-life pedestrians.

Next: Forgetting something crucial?

Here is another door that leads to the void

Constructing a house from the ground up is no cakewalk. It’s all about meticulously drafting plans, ensuring every measurement is spot-on before the first brick is laid. Then comes the shopping spree for materials, followed by the marathon of building walls, painting, and installing doors and windows.

But what if, in the worst-case scenario, you end up a tad short on materials? No biggie, right? Well, it depends on which material you’re missing. In the case of the staircase seen above, if it’s missing, you can kiss the second-floor goodbye.

Next: A thrillseeker’s delight.

A View To Die For?

Adventurers, brace yourselves for Machu Picchu, the ancient jewel of Peru. Nestled high in the Andes, reaching this treasure used to be a true odyssey. But fear not; modernity has gifted us trains. Yet, hold on to your hats because this ride comes with a twist—some of its coaches boast balconies. Yes, balconies!

While they offer unparalleled mountain landscape views, safety-conscious travelers might find themselves holding their breath. An adventure with a dash of adrenaline, anyone? Just remember, it’s not for the faint-hearted!

Next: Livin’ on the edge.

To Infinity (Pool) And Beyond!

Come take a dip at Singapore’s Hotel Marina Bay Sands’ infinity pool, and you’ll experience the thrill of the infinite horizon. This design marvel might mess with everybody’s mind, making us believe we’re swimming towards the edge of the world.

Sometimes, our eyes love to play tricks on us, conjuring fear from the harmless. So, as swimmers float on the rooftop of this iconic hotel, just remember, it’s all an optical illusion—the world won’t disappear beneath. What are your thoughts on this daring design?

Next: The best/worst camouflage job!

All Fun And Games Until Someone Get’s Hurt

Road safety should always be a top priority, and those street markings play a crucial role in keeping everyone safe. But, every now and then, a design flaw sneaks through the cracks, literally. Check out these subtle bumps, seemingly dividing lanes but camouflaging into the road’s color scheme.

It’s a classic case of “blink, and you’ll miss it.” For bikers looking to change lanes, this optical illusion adds an extra layer of risk to the road. Proof that sometimes, even the most well-intentioned designs can leave us scratching our heads!

Next: This should qualify as child endangerment.