Adult Celebs Who Reportedly Dated Young Stars

We Don’t Support These 40+ Adult Celebs Who Reportedly Dated Young Stars

Written by: Abdullah

Hollywood has no shortage of age-gapped relationships, where one person is a lot older than their romantic partner.

In the case of some relationships, the difference between ages was especially extreme, bringing with it quite a bit of criticism for the couples in question.

Take a look at these relationships, which made headlines and caught lots of attention in Hollywood.

Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden Panettiere

Milo Ventimiglia met Hayden Panettiere on the set of Heroes — where he played Peter Petrelli, and she played Claire Bennet. At the time, Panettiere was 17 years old, and Ventimiglia was 29. Shortly after Panettiere’s 18th birthday, the two announced their romantic relationship.

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They broke up after two years. In an interview, Panettiere explained, ”It was never a case of me making a decision, saying, ‘I want to date older men.

’ But I am drawn to people who make me up my game, who bring me up to their level.”