A.I. Shows What the “Game of Thrones” Characters Would Look Like According to Book Descriptions

Written by: Abdullah

As many of you might know, Game of Thrones was actually a book series long before it made its way to our screens. While book one is called A Game of Thrones, the series is named A Song of Ice and Fire, and it’s the work of George R. R. Martin. Now, let’s see what else the show changed — here’s how the characters should have looked according to their book description, as fed to AI, vs. the actors who played them.


Played masterfully by Conleth Hill, Lord Varys quickly became a character of note thanks to his work as the Master of Whispers. His shifting loyalties and enigmatic ways made fans weary of trusting him – and often for good reason.

(Left) Imgur // @msbananaanna | (Right) Twitter // @ghostfishkillah

Thanks to this AI rendition, we can pretty safely say that the casting department did a fantastic job both visually and acting-wise. Fun fact, Conleth Hill also supplied his voice in the 2012 video game based on the show.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains. Impressive!

(Left) Imgur // @msbananaanna | (Right) Facebook // Tunes Studio

But did you know that the show actually gave her a pretty extreme growth spurt? At the beginning of the book, she’s only 13 (yes, even when she’s sold as a bride). Thankfully, the showrunners decided that was one taboo they weren’t going to touch.